The Davis dyslexia, ADD and ADHD programs as presented by Familyzone Learning has a long and rich history . Recommended by international researchers, praised and parents and valued by teachers the program has helped thousands of children and adults in South Africa and abroad. Join Familyzone Learning in a “virtual video tour” where we showcase the Davis methods and highlight a long history of excellence. We will also dive into other aspects of dyslexia add and ADHD.
What is it like to have dyslexia ?
The normal thinker will often ask this question. How can I understand what my spouse, family member or child goes through every day if they dyslexic ? We may never fully understand but we can get a glimpse though the video below. The comic tells the story of a kid with dyslexia struggling at school.
The Ronald D Davis Story
Ronald D Davis explains how he struggled with dyslexia at a young age how he overcame his difficulties and then perfected his program for correcting dyslexia in adults and children. It is due to the inspiration and hard work of Mr. Davis and others that Ronita decided to dedicate her time and expertise as a facilitator to South African adults and children helping them unlock their gift of dyslexia and succeeding in life.
Why the Davis method works
The Davis method for dyslexia, ADD and ADHD correction helps adults and children unlock their natural gifts and talents. This is done without the use of medication. But what are these gifts and talents? And how does the Davis methods achieve this? Join dr. Angela Gonzales dyslexia and ADD specialist and Professor John Stein as they explain all of this and more.
From the horse’s mouth
Parents and children agree. The Davis programs has had immense value. See for yourself by watching Louise, Tom, Phil and others speak about how the Davis methods helped them and their children.
The last word
What more can we say ? Contact Ronita from Familyzone Learning to discuss how you or your child can benefit from the Davis programs. You can also read more about the Davis Dyslexia, ADD and ADHD and math programs for dyscalculia.